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What kinds of tours does Youth Singers go on?

Touring is an exciting and rewarding opportunity for our singers in JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI and ACT3. In many cases, Youth Singers tours have resulted in life-changing experiences and in every case, life-long memories. 

Typically, JUNIOR HI tours in the spring of odd-numbered years. Most JUNIOR HI tours are to Disneyland, where singers perform, compete in festivals, and participate in workshops by performing arts professionals.

SENIOR HI and ACT3 generally tour in even-numbered years. These tours typically alternate between an overseas tour and a North American destination. Past tour destinations include Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Bahamas, China, Brazil, Argentina, numerous European countries, and many locations throughout the USA and Canada.

Tours are an additional cost and rehearsal commitment. Registration generally opens 12-18 months prior to each tour, and the cost can be offset by earning credits through our bingo program.