Pre-K to Gr 2

Start your child's musical life


Get Ready! Registration for the 2025-26 Season Opens March 31, 2025!

Kids Make Great Music… Music Makes Great Kids!

Looking for a fun and engaging way to introduce your child to music? KIDS & MUSIC is Calgary’s leading early childhood music program for children in Pre-K to Grade 2, designed to nurture a love for music through singing, movement, and play.

With small class sizes and expert instructors, children receive personalized attention while building confidence, coordination, and foundational music skills. Whether your child is new to music or already loves to sing and move, our progressive four-level program ensures a fun and enriching experience at every stage.

Why Parents Love KIDS & MUSIC

  • Top-rated early childhood music classes in Calgary
  • Age-appropriate levels for Pre-K to Grade 2
  • Small class sizes for individualized attention
  • Fun, child-centered approach that makes learning music exciting
  • Engaging, play-based music education led by qualified and experienced instructors

Find the Right Class for Your Child:

  • Pre-K 
    • (Ages 4+ by Dec 31) – Intro to beat, rhythm & melody through movement and song. Learning to participate in a group.
  • Kindergarten
    • (Ages 5+ by Dec 31) – Developing rhythm & musical structure, confidence in singing, and teamwork through rounds & partner songs.
  • Grade 1
    • Expanding vocal range, rhythm skills & memory with longer songs. Encouraging creativity & independent movement.
  • Grade 2
    • Introduction to music notation, small-group singing & choreography, and exploring diverse musical styles.

Location: ATCO Performing Arts Centre, Calgary


Sing A Song

Performance of “Bare Necessities” featuring students in the Grade 1 KIDS & MUSIC Division. Watch more videos of our KIDS & MUSIC programs here!

Meet the KIDS & MUSIC Team

Director KIDS & MUSIC

Choreographer KIDS & MUSIC

Collaborative Pianist and Assistant Instructor for KIDS & MUSIC


Creative play, movement, and singing help your child acquire the tools to make sense of music, themselves, and others. In this small group setting, your child’s singing voice will emerge and your child will discover the rudimentary elements of music. The nurturing environment, caring instruction, and age-appropriate materials, activities, and program ensure the freedom to discover and grow!

Rehearsal Times

  • Class Times: 45 minutes, once/week
  • Pre-K Saturday 9:00 – 9:45 AM
  • Pre-K Thursday 4:30-5:15 PM
Program Fee
Facility Fee
Music Binder Fee


Engage your child’s musical interests in such a way that the acquisition of skills and concepts seems effortless! Your child will experience a faster-paced program with age-appropriate repertoire that is a little more sophisticated and will be introduced to the symbols and vocabulary of the language of music.

Repertoire with great kid appeal, caring and encouraging instruction, and an active, fun environment lets your young musician thrive and shine!

Rehearsal Times

  • Class Times: 45 minutes, once/week
  • Kindergarten Saturday One 9:45-10:30 AM
  • Kindergarten Saturday Two 11:30-12:15 PM
Program Fee
Facility Fee
Music Binder Fee


Grade 1 children learn seasonal repertoire, play games, and explore activities which prepare the way to two-part singing, sheet music, and the exciting world of choreography. As your child becomes more comfortable with singing and moving at the same time, their musical skills will deepen and become ingrained. Practice and confidence allows your child’s musical spirit to shine through.

Rehearsal Times

  • Class Times: 60 minutes, once/week
  • Grade One Thursday 5:15-6:15 PM
  • Grade One Saturday 10:30 –11:30 AM
Program Fee
Facility Fee
Music Binder Fee


Grade 2 offers many challenges and new experiences. Choreography plays a bigger role in this program and we learn a variety of songs which allow children to be both musically sensitive and creative musical story-tellers. Children are introduced to the musical score, a very important building block to prepare them for the singing in choirs. The highly appealing music, teamwork, and sense of accomplishment at putting out a high quality performance make this Grade 2 Program a motivating one.

Rehearsal Times

  • Class Times: 60 minutes, once/week
  • Grade Two Thursday 6:15-7:15 PM
Program Fee
Facility Fee
Music Binder Fee

Pre-K to Grade 2 FAQs

Why choose music?

First, contrary to popular myth, the ability to sing and to discriminate pitches is not dependent upon genetics or talent—but rather upon environment, exposure, and education. In school we do not reserve mathematics for a select few; we know it is important for all. The same can be said for music.

Second, there is ample evidence that a developmental window opens wide from the ages of 3 to 6. This is when musical concepts are absorbed in the most fundamental sense—in the body, in the muscles, and in the voice. What the body learns at this age, it is slow to forget.

There is little doubt that active participation in music stimulates development in many different areas of the brain and for all children, music is every bit as important as reading and writing.

Music has a strong connection to memory, events, and eras. It promotes a healthy lifestyle and mental mindset. Music provides an emotional release—especially singing, because it is so closely tied to speech—and allows children to express themselves with their voices in a healthy and safe manner.

Why choose movement?

Movement can increase focus and retention and supplies the mind with another way to remember. Light movement brings a sense of joy and play to what we do in the class—the engagement of the student to the material can be clearly seen in their body language and in their facial expressions. Almost all the songs taught in class have a movement or rhythmic component to them.

How do I know if music is for my child?

The short response is that music is for all. Music is part of a basic education. Our singing voice is our first instrument and musical pursuits provide nourishment for the whole person throughout our lifetime. Music is not just for the eager and dramatic performer who is instantly a superstar! The more introspective child may be as deeply moved by the process of making music as the child who constantly seeks an audience.

What will my child learn?

In Pre-K to Grade 1, via play-based activities, your child will learn musicianship skills, healthy vocal production, and around 40 short songs & games throughout the course of the year, in addition to holiday favourites and 3 ‘show ready’ songs, complete with choreography!

In Grade 2, we hone the young musician into a performer, emphasizing traditional choral skills, introducing the musical score, spending more time developing their musical ear and musical skills, still incorporating music and play to keep their focus and attention. They learn between 15-20 pieces that emphasize harmonies and part-singing, as well as 3 fully choreographed numbers for the final concert.

How do I get the most out of this program?

Regular attendance is the best way to reap the full benefits of the program, whether you can attend in person or are engaging with a live streamed class online. Missed classes mean missed content and for some children this can be a little overwhelming.

Because KIDS & MUSIC is a once-weekly program, some word review practice at home is useful. A few minutes a day is more productive than one longer session. This word review becomes even more important in term 2. Some parents report that their children are intrinsically motivated to spend time with the music in their binders because of the great kid appeal of the songs and of course—THE STICKERS. Also, all KIDS & MUSIC kids are encouraged to color their handouts.

Will my child get a chance to perform?

Each level of KIDS & MUSIC has the opportunity to share their accomplishments twice in the year. Please note the dates and times – they are noted on the registration page, and you’ll receive a full calendar in the fall. It is an expectation that your child attend these presentations. Details will follow as those dates approach and we hope you are able to plan family holidays accordingly to allow your singer the chance to participate. 

The December presentation brings together both classes of each level within KIDS & MUSIC. The year-end presentation showcases all classes together so that everyone feels part of the bigger KIDS & MUSIC family. This latter presentation will be off-site.

What does my child need to bring to class?

Sturdy shoes, comfortable clothes, a bottle of water, a positive attitude, a smile, and a willingness to learn. A music binder is provided which children need to bring each week to regular class (binders may be left at home on presentation days). In the Grade 2 program, sheet music is the property of Youth Singers and is collected towards the end of each term. A fee is assessed for any lost music.

Is there a place to wait during class time?

Youth Singers’ entrance/admin area has limited seating. If you bring any younger, “vocal” siblings, we ask that you have quiet activities to keep them busy. Parents may also check on the availability of the boardroom as an alternative waiting area. For any families who do not stay on site during rehearsal, we need an emergency contact number and an update of any changes.

Do I get to observe classes?

Yes. For Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grade 1 programs we have set specific dates for you to join us for the last 20 minutes of class and see your child in action – these dates will be available to you in September. For the Grade 2 program parents are welcome to join us for observation classes through the month of September. Observation classes will be held again in January for new January registrants ONLY. Please refer to the class calendar for these dates in September and January.

When entering the rehearsal space you will be asked to remove outdoor footwear. Also, please be “in the moment” and refrain from camera use.

What should my child wear for presentations?

We may ask singers to wear a specific colour, choose a favourite outfit, or dress in their party best. Information will be communicated prior to presentations. Please ensure that footwear meets the safety-first rule.

How can I stay up to date with announcements and events?

You can find schedules, updates, important links, music learning resources, and other details on TeamSnap. You’ll also get a weekly newsletter from Youth Singers, which is a great way to stay informed about what’s happening overall with the group.

What if I need to contact the Youth Singers of Calgary office?

Office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm all year (except holidays), and general inquiries can be made to or by calling 403-234-9549.

Is there a volunteer requirement?

There is not a specific volunteer requirement for KIDS & MUSIC families, but there are places where we ask for your help and many ways to get involved. We are always so impressed by how much parents are willing to help!

  1. It is recommended that a parent of each singer signs up to be an Administrative Helper at least once in the year, to help with binder handouts and stickers and sit at the desk during the class.
  2. We ask all families to contribute snacks for our Holiday and Year-End presentations.
  3. Many volunteers will be required for our Year-End Presentation. Please note that all volunteers (regardless of their assigned tasks) will be able to enjoy all of the show.
  4. There are other opportunities to volunteer, donate, and get involved with Youth Singers, and you’ll find out more about these throughout the year.

How does my child move from one program to the next within the KIDS & MUSIC division?

The majority of children move up automatically to the next level corresponding with their grade. If you or Ms. Kathy thinks it would be best for your child to return to the same program for an additional year or skip a year, there is flexibility to do so. By communicating openly, we are able to ensure the best outcome for your child so that music-making continues to be an important part of their life.

What awaits my child after KIDS & MUSIC?

The KIDS & MUSIC program is under the larger umbrella of the Youth Singers of Calgary. The Grade 3 program, KIDAZZLE, is a training ground for the youngest performance division, KIDZXPRESS (Grade 4-6). KIDS & MUSIC provides a foundation on which to build. The passionate and highly skilled artistic teams of all the older divisions further your child’s pursuit of an enduring and lifelong musical education.