Grade 4-6

Kickstart your child's music education


Registration Now Open!

Starting Thursday, September 5th
📅 5:30 – 7:45 PM

KIDZXPRESS is Calgary’s Premier Performing Arts Experience for Grades 4-6!

Is your child in grades 4-6 and buzzing with creative energy? KIDZXPRESS is the ultimate gateway into the world of performing arts, designed specifically for this vibrant age group. It’s the perfect blend of fun, learning, and performance, giving your child a rich experience in singing, dancing, and acting. Imagine the pride you’ll feel watching them shine on the grand stage of the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, not once, but twice a year!

Singers in Grade 4 who are new to the Youth Singers program should register for KIDAZZLE. KIDAZZLE is a program for singers in Grades 3 and 4. Grade 4 kids are also eligible to register for KIDZXPRESS, a Grade 4 to 6 division, after a Placement Interview. Please see the KIDAZZLE and KIDZXPRESS Comparison Chart for more information. All new singers will be prompted to book a Placement Interview upon registration.

Returning singers who are going into Grade 4 may register in either KIDAZZLE or KIDZXPRESS. Please consider the staff recommendation you will have received by May 15, 2024, and review the Comparison Chart carefully when choosing the best division for your child.

Every rehearsal is directed and supported by Calgary’s premier show choir professionals. A team of choral directors, choreographers, and theatre arts professionals teach and guide your child to experience what it takes to be a confident performer.  KIDZXPRESS kids make life-long friends through weekly rehearsals and workshop weekends in our ATCO Performing Arts Centre.

At the beginning of every year, they will experience an immersive launch into what Youth Singers is all about at the “Jumpstart” weekend camp, where they are free to explore their creative talents and have an outlet to express themselves as performers.

By the end of the year, your child can say they have experienced what it’s like to be on the same stage as a Broadway performer!

Why KIDZXPRESS Stands Out:

  • Professional Guidance: Our team, comprising Calgary’s finest show choir experts, choral directors, and theatre arts professionals, ensures an enriching and professional learning environment.
  • Building Friendships: KIDZXPRESS isn’t just about performing – it’s a community where lifelong friendships are formed. Weekly rehearsals and weekend workshops at our ATCO Performing Arts Centre are where fun meets learning.
  • Exciting Beginnings: The “Jumpstart” weekend camp at the start of each year is an immersive experience for kids to explore and express their creative talents in a welcoming and inspiring setting.
  • Dream Big: By the year’s end, your child will have had the exhilarating experience of performing on a stage that has hosted Broadway stars!

Program Overview

  • No auditions necessary
  • Rehearsals every Thursday 5:30-7:45 PM
  • Weekend performance workshops
  • 2 mainstage shows at The Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
  • School and community performances

We believe in the power of performing arts for all children. Our YYC (Yes You Can!) Bursary Fund offers financial support for tuition. For more details, please reach out to our office.


Visit our YouTube page to watch the KIDZXPRESS Division in action!


“My favorite part about Youth Singers is being a part of something important. It keeps my child connected to the outside world.”

- Linda P., KIDZXPRESS Parent

“Singing and dancing is fun, energizing, and makes you feel free. It perks you up when down & helps release stress.”

- Linda P., KIDZXPRESS Parent

“Youth Singers is an amazing way to cultivate self confidence and creativity.”

- Lauren S., KIDZXPRESS Parent

“Being in Youth Singers  not only develops musical talent, it also develops the person too. And it is fun!”


Meet the KIDZXPRESS Team


Associate Director KIDAZZLE & KIDZXPRESS

Director SECOND CHANTS, Physicians Choir; Collaborative Pianist KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, Physicians Choir; Music Editor

Co-Resident Choreographer KIDAZZLE & KIDZXPRESS; Guest Choreographer ALL

Co-Resident Choreographer KIDAZZLE & KIDZXPRESS

Assistant Choreographer KIDAZZLE, KIDZXPRESS, SHOWBIZ Kids

2024-25 Fees / Tuition

Programs run from September to June

Jumpstart Weekend
Wardrobe Fee
Facility Fee
Equipment Fee
Music Binder Rental
Snack Fee

Payment plans are applicable to tuition only and are agreed to upon registration. All payment plans will be completed by February 28, 2025. Certain fees are due on registration. A 20% down payment is due on registration and the balance will be split into a maximum of 10 monthly payments.

Payment plans are available. Click here for the KIDZXPRESS Program Payment Information download.

Grade 3 - Young Adult FAQs

What is the age range for each choir?

KIDAZZLE is grade 3
KIDZXPRESS is grades 4-6
JUNIOR HI is grades 7-9
SENIOR HI is grades 10-12
ACT3 is for young adults in post-secondary and early career (age 18-30-ish)

Are auditions required for the program?

No interviews or auditions are required for singers in grade 3. New singers in grade 4 and up participate in a placement interview, rather than an audition. This is booked when you register.

Vocal range and previous experience are unique attributes to every performer. To ensure your registration is the right fit, we need to hear you sing! Please prepare a song of your choice to sing at your interview. You can do it without music (a cappella), bring sheet music (an accompanist is not provided), or play a track on your phone. If you’re not sure what to sing, a lullabye, an anthem, or Happy Birthday are just fine!

What kind of performances does Youth Singers do?

Singers in KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3 perform twice annually at the Jubilee Auditorium (December and May) and have 4-6 additional performances throughout the year, mostly in December and the spring. These dates are available in your registration information.

Singers in KIDAZZLE have their own holiday presentation in December, perform in the May show at the Jubilee Auditorium, and are part of several additional spring performance opportunities.

What kind of music does Youth Singers sing?

Singers learn a wide variety of music, including pop, rock, classical, jazz, musical theatre, a cappella, and many more genres. Generally, each year’s repertoire includes brand-new arrangements of current popular music, music by Canadian composers, music in a language other than English, works by well-known living composers, classical standards that are foundational to choral singing, and music from specific cultures and by composers from different backgrounds. Repertoire varies from year to year and by age, so the longer you sing with us, the broader a range of music you’ll learn.

Choreography is added to about half of your repertoire each year. Performance styles vary from a traditional choral singing experience to fully choreographed performances incorporating singing and dance.

Do I need to have prior dance training to be in Youth Singers?

You do not need dance training to be in Youth Singers. Choreography is an integral part of the Youth Singers experience, but you can join with any level of training or none at all. There are opportunities for dancers to be featured and to audition for more advanced dance parts, while beginners of any age will learn from our professional choreography team and become confident by the time show day comes.

What does the time commitment look like including rehearsals, shows, and workshops?

KIDAZZLE, KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3 rehearse weekly from September to the beginning of June, with breaks for Christmas, spring break, and holidays.

Weekly rehearsals range from 1.5 to 3.5 hours, depending on age. JUNIOR HI rehearses on Mondays, SENIOR HI and ACT3 on Wednesdays, and KIDAZZLE and KIDZXPRESS on Thursdays.

KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3 have weekend workshops 6 times per year (September, October, November, February, April, and May). Rehearsals take place Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday on these weekends (with the exception of the April workshop, which is Saturday only). Singers are not required for the entire weekend because the exact commitment varies by workshop.

The September workshop for singers in SENIOR HI and ACT3 is an overnight camp, but all other workshops require age-appropriate daytime availability.

There are 2 performances annually at the Jubilee Auditorium (December and May), as well as 4-6 seasonal performances. Most of these dates are set before the season begins and are available in our registration information.

Full attendance at weekly rehearsals, workshop weekends, and performances is expected as part of your commitment to your division. Your attendance is important for your own education and preparation, as well as for the rest of the choir. Your presence matters to everyone around you, and everyone is prepared when the whole group is present.

Optional additional opportunities such as vocal solos, acting roles, small dance ensembles, and talent shows are available throughout the year, with additional time commitment but no additional cost.

What is the volunteer commitment?

We ask families in KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, and SENIOR HI to contribute around 6 hours/month, and families in KIDAZZLE and ACT3 to contribute around 3 hours/month. The volunteer commitment is per family, not per singer.

Our registration fees do not cover the total program costs, and volunteering helps us to provide the high-quality, professional experience that Youth Singers offers young performers.

Our volunteer department will work with you throughout the year to ensure the best fit for your skills, interests, and schedule. There are hundreds of volunteer opportunities and positions, such as administrative work that can be done while your child is in rehearsal, planning and event committees, design and production work for our shows, photography and videography, and more. We are committed to helping you find a great fit at Youth Singers.

Are there fundraising requirements?

Bingos (or an opt-out fee) are required on behalf of all singers in KIDAZZLE, KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3. You can also work additional bingos to earn credits toward tuition or tour costs.

KIDAZZLE requires 4 bingos per singer, KIDZXPRESS & ACT3 require 6 bingos per singer, and JUNIOR HI & SENIOR HI require 8 bingos per singer.

Other ways to support Youth Singers include Purdy’s Chocolates, donating to support our silent auction, purchasing AdMazing coupon books, and attending our fundraising gala. Members are made aware of these opportunities throughout the year and we encourage everyone to participate, but they are not required as part of registration.

How much is tuition and what does it include?

Tuition varies by program and more information can be found on individual division pages under the “Programs” tab.

In addition to instruction from a large team of professional artists, your fees include your music binder rental, use of certain wardrobe items, festival entrance fees, Jumpstart Camp, and facility/equipment usage for both rehearsals and performances.

Items which are not included in your program tuition and fees include things such as show tickets, some wardrobe items, tours, snacks and meals during workshops and show days, show DVDs/Blu-Rays, and other incidental costs.

You can split your tuition into monthly payments. Bursaries are available for singers with financial need.

Do I need to purchase costume or wardrobe pieces?

Yes, you need to purchase some wardrobe items. Wardrobe is divided into three categories:

  1. Basic dancewear and performance attire owned by each singer. Items such as dance shoes, dance tights, black dress pants, white dress shirt, and stage makeup are required basics. A list is provided at the beginning of the season. Appropriate, professional-quality dance gear is available at specialty dance stores, but you can also often find them second-hand.

  2. Items provided by Youth Singers. We have a vast wardrobe stock, and items such as matching dresses/suits, other uniform looks, or specialty costumes are used by singers as a part of your fees. These items are assigned to you for the year and are returned at the end of the season.

  3. Specific items provided by singers. These are typically items that are easily acquired or already in your wardrobe (i.e. blue jeans, a plaid shirt, or a solid coloured sweater), or they involve your creativity in creating a more specific costume (i.e. an ‘80s-style outfit). Our Wardrobe team is available to support you with these items if necessary, and these items can often be borrowed, thrifted, or handed down.

How can I stay up to date with announcements and events?

At the beginning of the season, you will receive a login for the Youth Singers Choir Genius page, a website that acts as our complete information hub. Calendars, notices, important links, music learning resources, and other information are posted here.. We recommend logging in weekly. You will also receive the weekly Youth Singers newsletter, which is an important way to receive information about the big picture of Youth Singers.

What skills will I develop in Youth Singers?

Youth Singers programs focus on singing, dance, and performance skills. We focus on an exceptional choral experience complemented by dance and theatrical elements. At Youth Singers of Calgary, students develop their self-confidence, discipline, self-esteem, leadership capacity, and teamwork skills.

Our programs are focused on learning the performing arts by improving reading skills, concentration, memorization, and focus.

Surrounded by a trusted peer group and encouraged by mentors, we see youth transform from reluctant or timid performers into robust, focused, and enthusiastic individuals.

Singers receive, at age-appropriate levels:

  • Coaching by an accomplished team of music and performing arts education directors, choreographers, and support network

  • Multiple, local performances annually

  • Leadership development; student-led initiatives and projects

  • Performing arts career development opportunities; a progression from student to coach