Grade 4-6

Kickstart your child's music education


Get Ready! Registration for the 2025-26 Season Opens March 31, 2025!

KIDZXPRESS is Calgary’s Premier Performing Arts Experience for Grades 4-6!

KIDZXPRESS is an exciting music program for kids in Grades 4-6, designed to develop confidence, teamwork, and performance skills through singing, dancing, and acting. With professional instruction and immersive experiences, young performers get the chance to shine on stage and make lifelong friends along the way.

New This Year:

  • Grade 4 singers new to Youth Singers should register for KIDAZZLE.
  • Returning Grade 4 singers may choose between KIDAZZLE and KIDZXPRESS based on their staff recommendation.
  • New Grade 4 singers interested in KIDZXPRESS must complete a Placement Interview upon registration.

Program Overview

  • No auditions necessary
  • Rehearsals every Thursday 5:30-7:45 PM
  • Weekend performance workshops
  • 2 mainstage shows at The Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
  • School and community performances

We believe in the power of performing arts for all children. Our YYC (Yes You Can!) Bursary Fund offers financial support for tuition. For more details, please reach out to our office.


Visit our YouTube page to watch the KIDZXPRESS Division in action!


“My favorite part about Youth Singers is being a part of something important. It keeps my child connected to the outside world.”

- Linda P., KIDZXPRESS Parent

“Singing and dancing is fun, energizing, and makes you feel free. It perks you up when down & helps release stress.”

- Linda P., KIDZXPRESS Parent

“Youth Singers is an amazing way to cultivate self confidence and creativity.”

- Lauren S., KIDZXPRESS Parent

“Being in Youth Singers  not only develops musical talent, it also develops the person too. And it is fun!”


Meet the KIDZXPRESS Team


Assistant Director KIDAZZLE, Residency Director

Director SECOND CHANTS, Physicians Choir; Collaborative Pianist KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, Physicians Choir; Music Editor

Co-Resident Choreographer KIDAZZLE & KIDZXPRESS; Guest Choreographer ALL

Co-Resident Choreographer KIDAZZLE & KIDZXPRESS

Assistant Choreographer KIDAZZLE, KIDZXPRESS, SHOWBIZ Kids

2025-26 Fees / Tuition

Programs run from September to June

Jumpstart Weekend
Facility Fee
Wardrobe Fee
Equipment Fee
Music Binder Rental
Snack Fee

Payment plans are applicable to tuition only and are agreed to upon registration. All payment plans will be completed by February 28, 2026. Certain fees are due on registration. A 20% down payment is due on registration and the balance will be split into a maximum of 10 monthly payments.

Payment plans are available. Click here for the KIDZXPRESS Program Payment Information download.

Grade 3 - Young Adult FAQs

What is the age range for each choir?

KIDAZZLE is grades 3-4
KIDZXPRESS is grades 4-6
JUNIOR HI is grades 7-9
SENIOR HI is grades 10-12
ACT3 is for young adults in post-secondary and early career (age 18-30)

Are auditions required for the program?

KIDAZZLE-No interviews or auditions are required.

KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, ACT3-New singers in grade 4 and up, and singers moving/changing divisions, are required to take a placement interview. This is not an audition-it is a chance for your singer to meet the director and for the director to hear your singers voice. This will help the directors know where to place your child within the group (eg. soprano vs alto).

Each singer has their own vocal range and experience, and to make sure the program is a good fit for you, we’d like to hear you sing! Please choose a song to perform during your interview. You can sing it without music (A Capella) or play a track from your phone. If you’re not sure what to sing, a lullaby, an anthem, or even “Happy Birthday” works perfectly!

What kind of performances does Youth Singers do?

Singers in KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3 perform twice annually at the Jubilee Auditorium, one in December and one in May. They also have 4 to 6 extra performances during the year, mainly in December and the spring. You can find these dates in your registration info.

Singers in KIDAZZLE have their own holiday mini-musical in December, perform in the May show at the Jubilee Auditorium, and take part in several other spring performances.

What kind of music does Youth Singers sing?

Singers explore many kinds of music, like pop, rock, classical, jazz, musical theatre, and more. Each year, the group learns new arrangements of popular songs, music from Canadian composers, songs in other languages, pieces from well-known living composers, essential classical works, and music from different cultures and backgrounds. The selection of music changes each year and based on age, so the more you sing with us, the more diverse your music experience will be.

About half of the songs include choreography each year. The performance styles can range from traditional choral singing to fully choreographed shows that mix singing and dancing.

Do I need to have prior dance training to be in Youth Singers?

No, you don’t need any dance training to join Youth Singers. Dancing is a big part of what we do, but you can participate no matter your skill level. If you’re an experienced dancer, you can try out for special dance roles, and if you’re just starting out, our professional choreographers will help you learn and feel confident by the time of the performance.

What does the time commitment look like including rehearsals, shows, and workshops?

KIDAZZLE, KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3 have weekly rehearsals from September to early June, with breaks for Christmas, spring break, and holidays.

The length of these rehearsals varies between 1.5 to 3.5 hours, based on the age group. JUNIOR HI meets on Mondays, SENIOR HI and ACT3 on Wednesdays, and KIDAZZLE and KIDZXPRESS on Thursdays.

In addition to weekly rehearsals, KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI, SENIOR HI, and ACT3 hold weekend workshops six times a year (usually in September, October, November, February, April, and May). You won’t need to be there the entire weekend, as the time required can change for each workshop.

The groups perform two main shows each year at the Jubilee Auditorium in December and May and also have 4 to 6 seasonal performances. Most of these performance dates are decided before the season begins and can be found in our registration info.

What is the volunteer commitment?

All families are required to volunteer. The number of hours varies by division:

  • KIDAZZLE & ACT3-30 hours per singer (approx. 3 hours per month)
  • KIDZXPRESS, JUNIOR HI & SENIOR HI-60 hours per singer (approx. 6 hours per month)

The fees we collect for registration don’t cover all the costs of our programs, and your volunteering helps us provide a fantastic experience for young performers in Youth Singers.

Our volunteer department will be there to support you throughout the year, helping you find the right volunteer opportunities that match your skills, interests, and schedule. There are many ways to get involved, such as doing administrative tasks while your child is in rehearsal, joining planning and event committees, working on design and production for our shows, or helping with photography and videography. We’re dedicated to helping you find a great role with Youth Singers!

Families can also buy out of the volunteer commitment: 

  • KIDAZZLE & ACT3-$450

Are there fundraising requirements?

We operate a bingo program and require all families to work a specific number of bingos, based on their singer’s division.  The bingo program brings in money from the province and is a way for us to subsidize the cost of the Youth Singer’s program. Without the bingo revenue tuition would be higher.

  • KIDAZZLE-4 bingos per singer
  • KIDZXPRESS & ACT3-6 bingos per singer
  • JUNIOR HI & SENIOR HI-8 bingos per singer

Once a family has worked their required number of bingos, you can keep working bingos and earn credits that can be applied towards your tuition!

Families can also choose to buy out of working the bingos for $110 each.

  • KIDAZZLE-$440
  • KIDZXPRESS & ACT3- $660

There are other ways you can help Youth Singers, like buying Purdy’s Chocolates, donating items for our silent auction, or attending our annual fundraising gala. We let our members know about these chances to get involved throughout the year, and we hope everyone will join in, but it’s not mandatory when you sign up.




How much is tuition and what does it include?

The cost of tuition depends on the division. You can find specific tuition details on the program pages under the “Programs” tab.

Keep in mind that some things are not covered by your tuition, like show tickets, certain clothing items, tours, meals during workshops and show days, show DVDs/Blu-Rays, and other extra costs.

You can break your tuition payments into monthly installments. If you need financial help, there are bursaries available for singers.


Do I need to purchase costume or wardrobe pieces?

Yes, you will need to buy some clothes for your performances. There are three types of wardrobe items:

  1. Personal dancewear and performance clothes: Each singer needs their own basic items. This includes things like dance shoes, dance tights, black dress pants, a white dress shirt, and stage makeup. You’ll get a list of what you need at the start of the season. You can find these clothes at special dance shops, but you might also find them second-hand.
  2. Clothes provided by Youth Singers: We have a lot of outfits for you to use, including matching dresses or suits and special costumes. These clothes are included in your fees, and you’ll be given some to use during the year. You’ll need to return them at the end of the season.
  3. Clothes you provide: This usually includes items that are easy to find or things you may already have at home, like blue jeans, a plaid shirt, or a solid-colored sweater. Sometimes, you might need to get creative and come up with a specific costume, like an ’80s outfit. If you need help with this, our Wardrobe team is here to support you. You can often borrow, buy second-hand, or get items from friends or family.

How can I stay up to date with announcements and events?

You can find schedules, updates, important links, music learning resources, and other details on TeamSnap. You’ll also get a weekly newsletter from Youth Singers, which is a great way to stay informed about what’s happening overall with the group.

What skills will I develop in Youth Singers?

Youth Singers programs are all about singing, dancing, and performing. We offer a unique experience where kids can sing together while also learning dance and theater. At Youth Singers of Calgary, students build their confidence, discipline, self-esteem, leadership skills, and ability to work as a team.

Our programs help kids learn about the performing arts while also improving their reading, concentration, memory, and focus.

In a supportive environment with friends and mentors, we watch young performers grow from shy or hesitant to lively, focused, and excited about performing.

Singers receive, at age-appropriate levels:

  • Coaching from a talented team of music and performing arts instructors and choreographers

  • The chance to perform locally several times a year

  • Opportunities to develop leadership through student-led projects

  • Paths for exploring careers in the performing arts, starting as students and moving up to coaches