Special Talents in Arts and Recreation

Have fun with music!


Get Ready! Registration for the 2025-26 Season Opens March 31, 2025!

Explore and Connect Through Music and Performance

A music and movement program for those with cognitive disabilities. STAR (Special Talents in Arts and Recreation) is an interactive experience that allows youth Grade 4 to Young Adult with cognitive delays to participate in a tailored program that uses music, movement, and instruments to further benefit their current abilities and strengths in the performing arts.

STAR develops a love for music and dance in a safe, stimulating, and fun environment. These classes encourage and allow young people to grow and gain confidence, build friendships, and find an appreciation for the performing arts.

Rehearsal Times

  • Monday
    • STAR Session 1 5:30 – 6:30 pm
    • STAR Session 2 6:45 – 7:45 pm
    • STAR Session 3 8:00 – 9:00 pm

Families can apply to our YYC (Yes You Can!) Bursary Fund for tuition assistance. Please contact the office for more information.


Visit our YouTube page to watch the STAR Division in action!


“Tonight, for the first time in my life I knew what it felt like to be a proud parent watching their child perform. It was amazing.”

- STAR Parent Alumni

“I was so moved by their performance, you can’t help but smile!”

- Shannon H., Calgary Children’s Foundation

“At first, I was nervous about performing in front of an audience, but now I love it. It’s my favourite part. I am never going to stop doing Youth Singers.”

- Jackson M., STAR Performer

Meet the STAR Team

Co-Director & Instructor STAR

Director SENIOR HI; Co-Director & Instructor STAR; Arranger; Band Sequences

Assistant Instructor STAR

STAR Assistant Instructor

2025-26 Fees / Tuition

Programs run from September to June

Facility Fee
Equipment Fee

Payment plans are applicable to tuition only and are agreed to upon registration. All payment plans will be completed by February 28, 2026. Certain fees are due on registration. A 20% down payment is due on registration and the balance will be split into a maximum of 10 monthly payments.

Payment plans are available. Click here for STAR Program Payment Information download.


How can I stay up to date with announcements and events?

You can find schedules, updates, important links, music learning resources, and other details on TeamSnap. You’ll also get a weekly newsletter from Youth Singers, which is a great way to stay informed about what’s happening overall with the group.