What is our refund policy?
Refund Schedule
Usage fees (wardrobe, facility, etc.) and service fees are non-refundable.
No refunds are given after the first rehearsal of the second semester.
What awaits my child after KIDS & MUSIC?
The KIDS & MUSIC program is under the larger umbrella of the Youth Singers of Calgary. The Grade 3 program, KIDAZZLE, is a training ground for the youngest performance division, KIDZXPRESS (Grade 4-6). KIDS & MUSIC provides a foundation on which to build. The passionate and highly skilled artistic teams of all the older divisions further your child’s pursuit of an enduring and lifelong musical education.
How does my child move from one program to the next within the KIDS & MUSIC division?
The majority of children move up automatically to the next level corresponding with their grade. If you or Ms. Kathy thinks it would be best for your child to return to the same program for an additional year or skip a year, there is flexibility to do so. By communicating openly, we are able to ensure the best outcome for your child so that music-making continues to be an important part of their life.
Is there a volunteer requirement?
There is not a specific volunteer requirement for KIDS & MUSIC families, but there are places where we ask for your help and many ways to get involved. We are always so impressed by how much parents are willing to help!
What if I need to contact the Youth Singers of Calgary office?
Office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm all year (except holidays), and general inquiries can be made to yscadmin@youthsingers.org or by calling 403-234-9549.
What should my child wear for presentations?
We may ask singers to wear a specific colour, choose a favourite outfit, or dress in their party best. Information will be communicated prior to presentations. Please ensure that footwear meets the safety-first rule.
Do I get to observe classes?
Yes. For Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grade 1 programs we have set specific dates for you to join us for the last 20 minutes of class and see your child in action – these dates will be available to you in September. For the Grade 2 program parents are welcome to join us for observation classes through the month of September. Observation classes will be held again in January for new January registrants ONLY. Please refer to the class calendar for these dates in September and January.
When entering the rehearsal space you will be asked to remove outdoor footwear. Also, please be “in the moment” and refrain from camera use.
Is there a place to wait during class time?
Youth Singers’ entrance/admin area has limited seating. If you bring any younger, “vocal” siblings, we ask that you have quiet activities to keep them busy. Parents may also check on the availability of the boardroom as an alternative waiting area. For any families who do not stay on site during rehearsal, we need an emergency contact number and an update of any changes.
What does my child need to bring to class?
Sturdy shoes, comfortable clothes, a bottle of water, a positive attitude, a smile, and a willingness to learn. A music binder is provided which children need to bring each week to regular class (binders may be left at home on presentation days). In the Grade 2 program, sheet music is the property of Youth Singers and is collected towards the end of each term. A fee is assessed for any lost music.
Will my child get a chance to perform?
Each level of KIDS & MUSIC has the opportunity to share their accomplishments twice in the year. Please note the dates and times – they are noted on the registration page, and you’ll receive a full calendar in the fall. It is an expectation that your child attend these presentations. Details will follow as those dates approach and we hope you are able to plan family holidays accordingly to allow your singer the chance to participate.
The December presentation brings together both classes of each level within KIDS & MUSIC. The year-end presentation showcases all classes together so that everyone feels part of the bigger KIDS & MUSIC family. This latter presentation will be off-site.