Co-Director & Instructor STAR
Jennifer has been the Co-Director of STAR since the division was created 10 years ago. She brings to STAR a wide variety of musical and professional experience. She has a strong passion for music and has had a relationship with Youth Singers of Calgary for over 30 years. She first joined as a singer in 1986 and has been involved as a committee member, member of the Board of Directors and as a parent of a child participating in a Youth Singers as well. Jennifer has experienced firsthand the lifelong memories and enriching experiences that Youth Singers offers its participants. After completing her post-secondary education in Social Work, Jennifer began what has become a 25-year career of supporting individuals with special needs. Beginning as a frontline therapist, she provided direct treatment programming to children with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum for several years. Jennifer now works as a Registered Social Worker, supporting families and children living with autism and related disorders. Alongside her professional experience, Jennifer, herself, is a parent of a child with special needs. A journey close to her heart, Jennifer recognizes the value of developmentally appropriate programming that enhances social skill development and a successful sense of belonging.